Our Program

Our curriculum is based on Te Whaariki New Zealand’s Early Childhood Curriculum.

The four principles are that the curriculum should:

  1. Empower the child to learn and grow
  2. Reflect the holistic way in which children learn and grow
  3. Include the wider world of family and community as an integral part of the curriculum
  4. Embody the principle that children learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people, places and things.

Achievement of these goals is our focus for our policies

and procedures.

Goals relating to experiences for children:

  • Children’s health is promoted
  • Children’s emotional well-being is nurtured
  • Children are kept safe from harm (Well-being)
  • Connecting links with the family and wider world are affirmed and extended (Belonging)
  • Equitable opportunities for learning are provided irrespective of gender, ability, age, ethnicity or background
  • Children are affirmed as individuals
  • Children are encouraged to learn with and alongside others (Contribution)
  • Children experience the stories and symbols of their own and other cultures (Communication)
  • Children’s play is valued as meaningful learning and the importance of spontaneous play is recognised. (Exploration)

Goals for children to achieve:

  • Know they have a place
  • Feel comfortable with the routines, customs and regular events
  • Know the limits and boundaries of acceptable behaviour (Belonging)
  • Learn with and alongside others (Contribution)
  • Develop non-verbal communication for a range of purposes
  • Develop verbal communication for a range of purposes
  • Discover and develop different ways to be creative and expressive (Communication)
  • Gain confidence and control of their bodies
  • Learn strategies for active exploration, thinking and reasoning
  • Develop working theories for making sense of the natural, social, physical and material worlds (Exploration).

Infants (3 months to 12 months)

We welcome babies from 12 weeks old to our infant area. Each infant will have their own primary caregiver who will establish a trusting, responsive relationship with your child.

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Toddlers (1 year to 3 years)

Toddlers spend a large portion of their day in routines such as saying hello or good-bye, getting dressed, diapering, toileting and mealtime. Our child-care environment reflects these important shared learning times. Toddlers also have a Primary Caregiver and hugs and cuddles are a big part of their day.

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Preschool (3 years to Primary School)

Children aged between three and four start to play with other children, instead of next to them and are more likely to take turns and share.

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ICT, Numeracy & Literacy

It is in early learning settings that curiosity and enthusiasm for learning is first nurtured. Our programme will support naming and sounding letters of the alphabet. All activities will be planned and taught to children’s developing abilities and interests. Children will explore numeracy through nursery rhymes, songs and solving daily problems.

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Infants – Freedom of Movement

Free Movement means allowing children time and space to move and develop at a natural pace. Pikler believes that infants must experience all movement for themselves, in their own space and in their own time.

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