Behaviour Management

At Whippersnappers we promote positive behaviour in children. It is our philosophy to accept each child as an individual and to focus on their individual requirements.

Our staff are skilled at praising positive behaviour and using re-direction as a form of managing inappropriate behaviour. We do not use any form of punishment, harsh language or belittling of children. We want to work in partnership with families for the benefit of the child.

Unfortunately children don’t come with a manual, and as adults we have to learn how to interpret their cues as infants. Likewise, infants, toddlers and preschoolers don’t necessarily know how we expect them to behave unless they are shown and taught what our expectations are. Children need to be taught and shown what acceptable behaviour is. We endeavour to teach children how to be a good friend and practise good old fashioned manners and how to be respectful towards adults and their peers. Through these teachings we minimise incidents of disruptive behaviour.

Please discuss any concerns with our teachers. They have a wealth of knowledge and would be happy to discuss any aspect of behaviour problems.